So today is the day. I am the substitute teacher for the Relief Society Mid-Week Activity “crochet class.” I have NO idea how many people are going to show up. That’s OK, I am ready for 3 people right now if they come. I didn’t want to print too much.
For those that are interested, I will be using the tutorials found at NexStitch. There are even some videos on there for those of you who are visual learners. The pictures in the tutorials are pretty ample, in my opinion, though.
Today in particular we will be working on:
• Terminology
• Holding the crochet hook and tension on the yarn
• Chain stitch
• Single Crochet Stitch (Double Crochet Stitch if we get to it)
• Turning
We will be working on a simple dishcloth. If you do a search, you’ll find a million different patterns for them. We’ll be using “ardent dish!” It is a pattern found on Ravelry so I can’t link directly to it.
Here is one that I particularly liked:
• Knit and Crochet Dishclothes – these obviously caught my eye because they offer both patterns, they are intermediate level, however, so maybe not the best option for a beginner.
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