Interesting afternoon conversing

This afternoon, I had some interesting conversing with the kids.

First, we’ll do Lance and his conversation with Buzz Lightyear. Or should I say, “my” conversation with Buzz Lightyear. He’s on his “Toy Story” play phone and this is how it goes:

[Ring Ring]

Lance: Hello…Oh Buzz Lightyear…

Me: You’re talking to Buzz Lightyear? Let me talk to him.

[Lance hands me the phone]

Me: Guys, Buzz says that you shouldn’t make messes anymore.

Lance: No he didn’t say that, let me talk to him.

[I hand Lance back the phone]

Lance: Ok, I’ll tell her…Buzz says that you should let me go outside and play.

Me: But it is wet out there, he thinks I should let you go outside and play in the mud?

[Lance gives me the “I can’t believe you just said that” look]

Lance: No, not play in the mud. I just need to go outside and play on the swings.

Me: Let me talk to Buzz.

[Lance hands me back the phone]

Me: Buzz, says that you shouldn’t get dirty so that means you need to stay out of the sandbox.

[Lance giving me the total disbelief look (because he can’t resist a sandbox)]

Lance: OK, I won’t get in the sandbox if you let me go outside.

Me: OK, no sandbox. Put your sandals on.

Then we were on the way home from karate and the questions and/or comments are just as entertaining. I asked a simple question. I wanted to know if they had “Good Friday” off from school. I wanted to call the doctor’s office and find out if they would be open on that day as well. You have to double check these things. Andrew got notice last week that there are new vaccinations that will be required as he goes into 7th grade next year. They are nothing major, just changes from the usual schedule. Not a big deal. I just figured since he’d be off school I can get Andrew and Lance in there on the same day and get them done at the same time (Lance we’re still doing catch up on his routine vaccinations).

Kyle pipes up from the back seat with this:

What’s the difference between Good Friday and Black Friday?

I am sure this was a totally innocent inquiry. I didn’t laugh. I promise. I explained what the difference was and thought that would be the end of it. Nope, the next question:

Who would go out shopping the day after Thanksgiving?

*gasp* I couldn’t help it, I burst out with a shocked gasp. How could he not know about the annual shopping expedition with a friend where mommy is gone all day and then they are escorted from the room when mommy comes home.

Me: What do you think I have done for the last 3 years when I go out with Linn at 3, 4, or 5am?

Kyle: Go shopping….


Kyle: Oh yeah, you go shopping every year on Black Friday.

Andrew: Yeah, you know it is Black Friday if she brings home a toaster. Except last year, she didn’t buy one last year, but you know it is Black Friday if she buys a toaster.

Me: I didn’t buy one last year because I didn’t need a new toaster last year. I better not need one this year either.

Andrew: But I like toasters.

[I give him the “you’re strange” look.]

Andrew: You plug them in and they convert all that electricity to heat and toast things.

*laugh* There you have it.

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