Another Tuesday, another grocery trip

Every week, I have best laid intentions to get ready and prepared…to get the list done, the coupons cut, sorted, and pulled to match my list. I even have good intentions to get out the door and to the store by Saturday night. Alas, every week goes by and Saturday comes and goes. Sunday is a no shopping day. Monday most often comes and goes. That leaves Tuesday. Often it is LATE Tuesday night before I am heading out.

Today was no exception. I sat at piano lessons waiting for the 4 kids (Brianna, Kyle, Victoria, and Andrew) to all do their lessons working on my grocery list. I had my Grocery Game lists pulled up on my browser before leaving the house so I’d be able to view them while there. I then sat and worked diligently on composing my own grocery list from this…

Then home to start pulling all the coupons. Since this is not a perfect science as of right now, this takes some time. One day I am going to be really really really organized and this is going to become second nature. Today was not the day for this, however. So I sit cutting and pulling coupons that I need…only those that I need. I put them into a huge pile and then sort them into my individual store lists.

That’s the plan anyway. So far I have gotten to the whole cutting the ones I need to go with my completed list. That’s it. Nothing more. It looks like grocery shopping will be after karate tonight. Fortunately, the kids have only been doing 1 hour of karate (due to lack of kids for 2nd class) so after dinner tonight, I’ll head out to shop.

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