Not sure what to write today

Well, we’re 11 days into the year and I have officially nothing to say. What?!?!?! It can’t be that way already.

Let’s start by what I did today. I woke up to get the kids out the door for school. I moved to the recliner with a blanket which I stole off of one of the boys’ who was sitting in front of the TV watching it instead of getting ready for school. I put the TV on the news so we’d know what the weather would be like today. Cold start, not so cold end. We’re not supposed to fall below freezing tonight. Woohoo! It has been a few days since we haven’t fallen well below freezing at night. There were a couple of days were we didn’t rise above freezing. This is unusual for us here, so not freezing will be nice.

I then promptly fell back asleep, taking my requisite morning nap. Once I did finally wake up about 9am, I blew my nose. Ick, bloody tinges throughout. That’s just gross, I know. Of course anyone who really knows me that this is a big deal if I say that I’m blowing blood. The good news is that my face doesn’t hurt. The bad news is that I guess we have a pretty good indication as to why I fell asleep shortly after arriving home from church yesterday (and then sleeping most of the evening), going to bed early and sleeping all night, getting up and promptly falling back asleep this morning. Go figure! It can’t be winter without a few of them. We’re on #2 now. *sigh* Oh well, I am just glad that my face doesn’t hurt though I’ve had a tooth ache for a couple of days now. Of course, now that the nastiness is coming out of my nose, the tooth doesn’t hurt anymore. We’ll see how I feel tomorrow.

I spent the bulk of the remainder of the day fiddling with pictures. I am trying to load pictures onto digital picture frames. You would think it wouldn’t be a big deal, except it kept cropping some of the pictures in funky spots. So I thought I’d just crop them all myself with the correct pixel aspect ratio and all. Would work just fine. Yep. Solved the problem. Then I proceeded to add captions to each to each of the pictures. I got about half way through the pictures I had already loaded onto the USB flash drive that will be used to put the pictures on the frame itself. I finally had to just give it up and walk away for a while.

I used 3 of my Christmas presents for the first time tonight – 2 pizza stones and a new pizza cutter. Love love love my previous 2 pizza stones. So tonight I was able to bake all 4 pizzas on pizza stones. I was a happy camper. The pizza cutter worked great too. The kids are still in love with the pizza slice shaped plates. Lance insisted that we pull them out.

With that, I am closing here. I don’t have much else to say. I’ll be honest though, I really just want to go read my scriptures. I have managed to make it about 60 pages shy of the halfway point in the Book of Mormon in a week. For anyone who knows me, they will find this a no small feat. I am quite delighted with my progress and just the simple fact that I am ready to read them every night to see how far I can get that night. Due to the fact that I spent most of the evening sleeping last night, I didn’t read last night. Tonight I am still wide awake so I am sure I’ll make some decent progress.

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