One Photo a Day

My first Project 365 entry. Since I am not necessarily going to upload all the images each day, you can expect occasional posts like this one.

January 1, 2009

Andrew – “A bug flew into my eye! A bug flew into my eye!” [Hazards of evening park trips in Texas]

My oldest niece, Victoria [at the park]

January 2, 2009

Rock Climbing •in• The Woodlands Mall [in the ranks in no particular order: Jennifer (my younger sister), Katlynn (Jen’s daughter), Ben (hubby), Andrew (son), Kyle (son), Lance (son), Darin (nephew), Brianna (niece), and Victoria (niece)]

January 3, 2009

The Ginger Bread House [Seven kids, 1 ginger bread house to decorate, fabulous results]

Celebrating Ten Years of Marriage [flowers wilt, memories never do]

January 4, 2009

Partiality [playing with depth of field]

January 5, 2009

Not all brooms are created equally!

January 6-7, 2009 (took 2, missed a day)

Perfecting my talents [first knitting project of 2009, learning the “continental” method of knitting, creating something in the process]

Lance and the Christmas Bear [pose he would not, hold still he would not, mug still shot]

January 8, 2009

Laundry [a new look]

January 9, 2009

Against a Texas Winter Sky

Texas sky – The hot before the cold [lens has since been cleaned]

Look forward to more in the coming days. If you haven’t tried it, document your world and life one day at a time – in pictures!


  1. I have to say, I love your photos and the look of your blog! I’m new to this, can I ask how you got your profile photo on the top right? Blogspot doesn’t have many directions it seems.

  2. Some really beautiful pictures you have! I love the one with the sky.

    I also love your banner/header. Really creative and perfect!

    And love the knitting too!! I’ve just too it back up again and am finding it so much fun!

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