I have let this blog slip through the priorities a lot over the past several years. Where it was once a fluid journal of my life and my kids, it is now a barren wasteland it seems. First, let me say that it has not been abandoned. I am still around and I still think about the escape it once created for me. However, life is full of ups and downs and things that ultimately make us change our priorities. Sometimes, things end up on the “back burner” because it is easier than continuing them.
Best laid plans
My intention this past year was to regularly update and log my gardening adventures. I started. I failed. Miserably. At least on the surface, it appears that way. What you cannot see is the long list of posts that are still in draft mode on the backend. One day, I will get them completed and published. For now, they’ll just sit in waiting.
I used to find great release in writing here. I still find that release in writing. Unfortunately, it is not something that I have focused on because I ultimately have way too many irons in my fire. Something had to give. The easiest thing to give up is often the thing that we need the most.
That being said, sometimes things are not easily pronounced to the general public and therefore were not appropriate for this forum no matter how much was about me or my family. While I think it is important to share the not so pretty with the prettied-up parts of daily life, now is not the time to share everything all the time.
Maybe one day you will know how I survived the darkest days of the pandemic, but for now, survival is not what I wanted to talk about because illness has not entered our house and there is more than just the pandemic that ravages the world around us.
What can you expect from this point in time?
My goal is to update this blog from time to time. There are so many things that I want to do with it, but I just don’t have the time to do so.
There is only one me.
I do all the writing here.
And, I only have so many hours in the day and I am a busy individual. I spend a lot of time in reflection, but it isn’t always possible to put it all down in writing for general sharing so you will have to be patient with me as time progresses and I figure out a new normal with everything on my plate.
Changes will happen for me over the next few years and I have accepted that. My children are aging. My oldest son is married and in their own time will bring grandchildren into our lives. Priorities will change for that. My middle son is a full-fledged adult and in time will be moving on to establish his own place in the world outside of the four walls of our home. My youngest is halfway through his high school career and approaching adulthood. The reality is that these are changes that we cannot stop but we can embrace them and adapt to them the best we can.
With that, you can expect further changes here in my blog space. It is natural and it should be expected.
For now
I will try my hardest to become more regular here – over time. Don’t expect amazing things immediately. It won’t happen. I am not even sure that I currently have the stamina to keep up the blogging pace of the past.
You will see changes here – new section additions, etc.
For example, you will notice that there is a section for “Design Portfolio.” As part of my adventures in returning to school to finish my Bachelor’s degree, I have to establish a digital portfolio. This is the place. It seemed most natural. I did have to move things around to make them fit.
You will see other small changes over time. Be patient.
And as always be kind to the world around you. They are fighting a battle you cannot see and greater are the rewards to those in service than those trying to bring down or destroy.
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