Death is never a kind thing. It is sad for the soul. It hurts. It stings. Nothing you can say or do can take that sting away – initially. It just hurts. There is a longing. There is a wanting. There is that deep missing that will not go away. It does not matter what you know, initially the grief is the same. It just simply hurts.
My beautiful Aunt Nancy lost her battle with cancer on Sunday morning. She put up the valiant fight. The good battle. The hard fight. Alas, our good Lord called her home and welcomed her into Heaven. Her fight was over.
She was a beautiful person. She will be dearly missed.
I will always remember the beautiful sunflowers she had in her flower beds in front of her house. The crazy numbers of ducks they kept fed as they came in off the Baraboo River out back. I will always remember the river stories and sitting out in their back yard above the river banks, roasting marshmallows on the pitchforks because that’s more redneck than even Texans get. Oh the fun times and crazy times we had with Aunt Nancy (and Uncle Tim too). Those memories are enough to last a lifetime.
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