These are probably some of the last pictures I will personally take of my oldest son, Andrew, in such a “posed” setting. He needed a wallet sized picture of himself from the waist up to send with some paperwork to his mission president in New Jersey. They sent an email requesting an update on the status of said paperwork. He needed to get on that. First he had to go get a missionary compliant haircut.
Here are a few to get to the final picture he sent to the mission president. We were having a problem with our Texas weather cooperating. It is a bit chilly here today. It is a bit windy too.
Cold air in the eyes.
This picture is awesome – if he had just kept his eyes open.
I love this kid with every ounce of my being. He did not like the smile. I think this is the essence of what Andrew is. It speaks – Andrew.
I am not thrilled with the look of the jacket on him in this picture, but he wanted to keep his tie down and in place. He liked his smile better in this picture.
He is off to the be a missionary in the Morristown New Jersey Mission where he will serve two years as a Spanish speaking missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
May you be forever blessed for your service, Andrew.
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