What does it take?

What does it take to carpet a nearly 2700 square foot house? A lot evidently. That being said, with a good carpeting crew it appears that it can be done efficiently.
Our crew from Carpet Giant arrived around the time that they said they would and promptly got to work. I walked out to load some stuff into my car to go drop off to donation later today and this was the sight that I saw. As far as I am concerned, this is a glorious sight. This means that all the work to get the house ready is truly almost over. This is truly the final stages. This is the end of the end and the next phase of our “moving process” will begin. 
Of course, for the next few hours it means that life at our house is going to be kind of loud and stressful. Kind of crazy even. It might even be a little stinky. The awesome part is, I honestly do not care. After smelling the glue for the vinyl flooring yesterday, these are good smells. Really good smells. I might be a little crazy to admit that at this point, but after smelling paint fumes for as long as I have been smelling them, I might be in fact crazy.
To make everyone’s curiosity a little more intense, the flower beds look amazing. Everyone that has seen them has mentioned how good they look. We are truly going to miss our trusty lawn help, Able. He has been awesome in this whole process. I asked him to fill in the flower beds with something simple but with lots of color and he did not disappoint me. I was so happy to see the bright perky flowers when he finished. I was really happy to see our stone walls restored to good condition again, but more so to see those shiny happy flowers. Now if my bottle brushes would bloom and show their shining faces. 

Here is a shot of the other flower bed in front of the driveway near the front door. Lots of color!

The good news is that in spite of all the little hiccups over the past couple of days, we have made it to Thursday with smiles on our faces most of the time. It has not been easy to get here this week. It has been a rough week. It is almost over. We are almost there.

The hardest part may be yet to come, I am afraid. I made a friend cry this week. I did not mean to. It just happened. Good-byes are hard. That is all still ahead of us. I am trying not to think about that to be honest with you. At least not at this point.

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