A regular schedule?

After several months of working hard on the house to get things ready for yesterday, today was almost strange. Dare I say it? It was boring. Really boring.

What was I supposed to do with myself? I had NOTHING TO DO.

I hate to admit it, but I felt like I had been beat repeatedly with a stick so I did spend most of the day napping. It felt good to sleep. I am not sure it helped.

I did manage to get through the mountain of laundry in the garage. I am not completely done with it. I did sleep part of the day so I did not get through it as efficiently as I would have. I would say that I am about half through it or so.

So the realtor has come once so far today. The first time was to go over some paperwork and to discuss the process of getting the MLS listing up and active today. Supposedly we have an active MLS number for our listing now and the photographer is adding the pictures he took yesterday to the listing. I have seen the PDF that the actual listing generates. It did not have the pictures in it yet. We should see him a second time today. He is supposed to bring by the “lock box” for the front door and the physical yard sign. I cannot wait.

Ben saw the Bed Bath and Beyond coupon on the counter that I brought in from the mail today. He asked me what I wanted for my birthday. He then said, “wait, you want a sold sign for your birthday.” He mentioned that he would let Jerry, our realtor, know about that. I made the side comment that he had roughly two weeks still. No pressure or anything. By tonight, we should have the sign in our yard it sounds like.

Right now it just feels good to be able to sit down and take a few minutes to myself on a normal schedule. Lance is sitting at the piano in his regular piano lesson. He is doing surprisingly well considering how sporadic his practice has been the past few months. He is doing surprisingly well considering how sporadic and inconsistent his lessons have been the past few months. We really need the regular schedule.

Of course Kyle’s schedule is not normal today, but I feel like I can handle it today. I have been waiting for “normal” to return.

I was just not ready for all the work to end and to be down right bored. Where did that come from?

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