Happy New Year!

Well we have reached another new year. It is amazing at how fast the years appear to be going by.

Do not look back unless you are reflecting on what can be done differently, but do not dwell there long. Your opportunities are ahead of you. You cannot undo the the past, you can only do better with what stands ahead.

This is the attitude that I want to take with me as we move forward into 2016 and especially as we move into our new adventure ahead of us. What an adventure it will be…

Moving is hard. I am trying not to dwell on it too much. Do not be dismayed if I just seem to be to not want to talk about it. It is not you. It is not anything you have done. I just do not want to spend time hanging onto the things that I cannot change right now. Maybe once we get the house on the market and my craziness at home settles down just a little bit I can sit down and breathe for a few minutes, but right now it is too hard to think about anything not “preparation.”

It is not you. It is not personal.

I will miss each and every one of you that has come across my path the past 14 years. Tomball has been my home. For some, it will be rekindling old friendships as we will be reunited in our new home – closer at least. For others, we will see each other again from time to time. Do not be dismayed, you are always welcome at our house. Please come visit. Please plan a day trip and we can do something around the Dallas area. This is not good-bye forever, it is simply a see you later. Since we have family here, we will return from time to time. You will see us around from time to time. Know that your friendships mean the world to me even if I cannot tell you that right now…I just can’t stop and say it right now.

So I have been asked over and over the past month, “exactly when are you leaving?” The answer to that is that we simply do not know yet. We will not be gone until our house is sold. Yes, this means we might pull the kids out of school mid-year, but that is something that I was prompted to do even though it was something I felt very strongly against when the whole moving thing came up. Due to this, we will go when it is time.

Ben has already started his job in Dallas. Fortunately, he can work from Houston most of the time and so I will have my other half here most of the time getting things ready. Maybe he will report to duty in Dallas more often once we get the house on the market, but for now it is all hands on deck. Even Andrew is home from college (UNT) and he’s all work and very little play (although we do let him out of the house to see his friends often).

We just DO NOT KNOW when we are leaving the great city of Tomball yet. You all will know when we know. I promise. We are not jetting out of here unannounced. WE DO NOT LEAVE until the house is sold. So we are here until then.

As soon as we get the house on the market, you will know – there will be a big sign in the front yard. I will be screaming it from the rooftops most likely. Then it will be a lot of prayers that it will sell as fast as humanly possible so that we can be on to our next adventure. Mostly I am interested in getting the kids into their new schools and getting them situated where they need to be.

There are a lot of UNKNOWNS ahead in 2016. These are things that I normally do not embrace with open arms, but this year the best is yet to come, right?

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