We are getting closer and closer to the end of all the craziness. It is hard to believe, but this is really happening. I know so many people are wishing that it was not. Our neighbors are in disbelief. One neighbor is in tears when she comes to talk to us. It is really hard to find out the impact you make in people’s lives…when you’re leaving. Oh how my heart aches for our neighbors and friends that we are leaving behind, but that is the beauty of friendship…it is NOT GOOD-BYE! It is a see you later or until we see each other again.
This is really happening though…
The boxes are really being filled and the stuff is all going away. Life ahead is going to be an adventure…
This is the last of my craft room for the most part. There are a couple of boxes I kept out. A couple of things went over to my mom’s house to finish up a couple of projects. The majority of things, however, are boxed up and ready to travel to their end destination whatever that might be.
Kyle (Lance and Andrew) has been doing the heavy lifting to get things done. Tonight he loaded and unloaded the heavy boxes into the car and then into the storage unit.
The storage unit with the last load of storage containers of “important” papers. That would be lots of school pictures, report cards, certificates, and other things important…family history stuff. It is important stuff, but it needs to be made where people can easily access the information and actually enjoy remembering the stuff.
There is a lot of work ahead of me in the scrapbooking department. I am trying to get motivated again to get back into doing it. I have not done it in a long while for a variety of not very good reasons. I just need to do it. Digital scrapbook world, here I come again…soon…
Looking forward to you in the digital world