Meet Stanley

Lance had to do a “free form recyclables” art project for Cub Scouts. He was given the supplies to use. He just needed to put the pieces together and make his “sculpture.” He did his yesterday afternoon after he got home from school. Mostly because his Wolf Den Leader reminded me that it needed to be done and she wanted him to bring it to Cub Scouts that evening and I did not want to win the “bad mom” award again this week for being one of those moms that just does not do things with their kids. You know the mom that just sends their kid to Cub Scouts and expects their Den Leaders to do all the work or at the very least tries to do as little as humanly possible and hopes that no one will notice. I know good and well that is not how the program works. See the other boys did this during Den Meeting a few weeks back but Lance was sick that week so he did not come. His wonderful leaders sent the supplies home with me and it has sat on the counter ever since. I know “bad mom” award right here. Anyway…he got it done…

Meet Stanley. He is the newest member of the Sansom family. He even stands up all by himself! That is a good thing, actually because I am not sure I could handle another co-dependent life-form mooching off of me. The good news is that Stanley should not use much of my already pinched tight grocery budget. 
I even won the “mom of the year” award for this one because I let my eight year old son use the hot glue gun all by himself. Yes, I let it all go yesterday afternoon.
Meet Lance. This is Stanley’s creator and friend. No documentary would be right without a picture of this, right?
Here is one of Stanley and Lance together. Lance is kneeling in the minivan lest you think that Stanley is any bigger than he is. Granted he is pretty big.
Since we arrived at our destination this fine rainy day early, we thought we document some of the things that Stanley did. Stanley goes to Cub Scouts, for example. Hmm, I wonder if we will have to get Stanley a Cub Scout uniform at any point in the future? 
Since we had plenty of time to pass Stanley got bored. Stanley decided he was going to climb a tree. He was living pretty dangerously since it was quite windy with the rainy conditions. 

Alas, the rain picked up and we had to retreat to the safety of the minivan again. Evidently Stanley has a thing for health and fitness. Stanley does push-ups.

Now I am not entirely sure what happened, but Stanley and Lance had some sort of close encounter of the wrong kind. Stanley turned Lance’s lips blue. Somehow, Stanley had his hand in Lance’s mouth and that left a mark on Lance’s lips. Needless to say this mother is not impressed that said eight year old could not keep Stanley out of his mouth to begin with. Stanley is not food.

We will have to see where Stanley goes next…

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