Yard work reward…two

So after two days of yard work, there were two boys in the family that truly earned a treat for their bellies because they were probably starving but they just deserved something for all their hard work. Last night we all went out of as a family to Chick-fil-a because I did not have time to cook dinner and we had worked straight through lunch and we were starving to say the least. Today, however, we were pushing past lunch and only the two boys went with mom.

Kyle and Lance at James Coney Island waiting for our order to arrive. I am so proud of these boys for being such hard workers. I am not saying that they were perfect workers or even complaint free workers, but they were hard workers. We got the job done, just the tree of us. We did it.

Yes, these are my goofy boys. I love them just the same. Kyle’s smile is infectious. Lance is just reaching that goofy stage in life. Kyle is reaching the stage where he is hiding from the camera. I am lucky he posed for these pictures. I am glad he did. Now if Lance had actually smiled this picture would have been perfect.

Like I said, Lance has reached the goofy stage of life in pictures. He’s all about hamming it up and doing all sorts of funny things in the pictures. I love him all the same. I do appreciate getting good pictures of Kyle, however.

It was a good lunch out with the two of them.

I have to say that eating out of James Coney Island (Lance’s choice) is not the cheapest place to eat. It was actually more expensive for the three of us to eat (plus the food I had “to go” for Ben) this afternoon than it was for the 5 of us to eat at Chick-fil-a as a family last night. I was surprised. I have to confess that I did not get the chili dogs. I cannot eat the chili. I did not even get the hotdogs. I have a hard time with the “kosher-ness” of the hot dogs most places and paying for an all beef hotdog just bothers me most places. You are lucky if you can get them but then the mark-up on them is considerable. At any rate, I got the chicken sandwich with no bacon. Then there was Kyle. He talked about the corn dogs all the way there. What did he get? He ordered the hamburger with bacon on it. Really? We went to a hotdog joint for chili dogs and he orders the hamburger. This after talking about the corn dogs all the way there. Nevertheless he did say that he really liked the hamburger so at least it was a good hamburger. The chicken sandwich was just an okay chicken sandwich.

The point, however, was to go where they wanted to go and eat what they wanted to go. That is what we did. They had fun. I enjoyed the time with them. The goal was met.

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