It is clear that spring is upon us. Here in this area, it arrives well before the official start of Spring per the calendar. We do not mind much. We quit wearing and dispose of the coats long before we reach this point. Most of us are ready to start wearing our sandals and shorts again. We are just ready for Spring to be here. Maybe we are not ready for all the other stuff that it brings with it, but we are ready for the constant up and down temperatures that our Winter usually means.
This afternoon, I was waiting outside of Klein Oak High School waiting for Andrew to come out from Orchestra Rehearsals and I snapped this picture of the sky. This is a sure sign that Spring is upon us. That clear blue sky with the trees that are starting to turn that rich green color again is in all its glory and unfiltered. No modifications. It is what it is. That is what we see and that is what we enjoy. Those skies are what bring us sadness and most of the time joy. They bring us sadness because when they are sans clouds like they are now it often means that there is no rain in sight. They bring us joy because they are bright and clear. The only thing that brings us more joy (in my opinion) are these same blue skies with big fluffy white clouds.
Another sign that Spring is definitely here to stay is this yellow stuff. This is what we call the “yellow plague” or many other things. It is the yellow dust that is otherwise known as pollen. It is the surest sign that our temperatures have reached a point that the plants have all started to bloom. Everything is coated with this stuff. If you work outside your nasal passages and lungs get coated with this stuff. It leads to allergy problems and a lot of first time suffers every year. For long time sufferers like myself, it causes problems like repeat sinus infections every year. At any rate, if you have a white car (we do) it will be a shade of yellow. If you have a black car, it will have a film of yellow. If you walk outside in the morning, your driveway and sidewalks will be covered with this stuff and you will literally leave footprints in the film. Everything is coated at the highest peak of “pollen season.” It is hear and it lasts for a while. Spring is hear.
Here we are in early March and my parents’ azalea bushes are getting big beautiful blooms on it. I always get a good chuckle out of their bushes. You will notice the color variation from left to right on the picture – white, dark pink to a lighter pink variant. Those are all on the same bushes. There are other bushes that are the same way. This is just a small portion of the larger bush collection. You have to marvel at the beauty of the work of bees and pollination. There are white azalea bushes a couple of houses down. There are dark pink bushes a few houses down as well. At any rate, when these bushes are in full bloom, they are a beauty for the eyes to see. A lovely reminder of Spring. A fleeting sign that Summer will be here before we know it.
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