More haircuts

Unfortunately, with all boys in the family trips to get haircuts is a bit more frequent than I would like sometimes. The children do let me know that they need haircuts, fortunately. It was that time again. Ben and Lance had already gone but Kyle and Andrew had been postponed until today. The boys were instructed to get shorter than usual. The hope is to prolong time between now and the next trip to the barber. We’ll see.

Since we are going into the warmer months, Kyle decided he was getting a “buzz” cut. I told him that he did not need to get one but he did need to get shorter. this was the result anyway. Yes, it is in fact shorter. Good job following the directions you were given, Kyle!

I have to confess that it has been a long time since I have seen his rounded head with hair this short on it. It is going to take some getting used to. He used to get his hair short like this all the time. He used to always get his hair “short and spiky.” Then he decided to go a little longer on top. I am not sure what drove the “buzz” cut today, but I kind of like it. It will definitely be cooler when our weather starts really warming up.

Andrew did not want me to take his picture, as usual. I, however, did manage to get a picture of his haircut without “drag.” He normally has more hair than this on top as well. He normally his hiding the two cowlicks in the front of his head. I think he is mighty handsome regardless.

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