More lovely weather

Normally I would not make this all about the weather but when you get several days in a row that are just beautiful, it is time to take note and document it because all too soon we will forget. Not to mention, all too soon we will be embraced again with weather that is all too familiar, warm, and humid. For being an early September day, I was grateful for the cool ride to school this morning with Lance again.

We woke up to temperatures in the low sixties again. Do you know how wonderful that is when you are used to the high seventies? Check this out…

Yes, the high temperature was going to be back in the 90˚F mark, but that 63˚F low in the morning was absolutely divine. Of course, I am a skeptic and have to verify with another source to check to see if it is really that cool outside.

So I check the Weather Underground website:

What? Humid but 60˚F! It really was that cool. The ride was purely divine. It was humid but it was lovely with the cooler weather. I can say that we are truly enjoying the cooler weather.

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