There are a lot of reasons why I love my kids, but sometimes the conversations are just enough to get me through the rough times. This morning, for example, the noise coming from Lance is too much for even a Diet Coke moment to drown out.
Here is how our conversation just went:
Lance: Can I have some of your cinnamon raisin bread in my lunch?
Me: There is some banana bread already cut in there.
Lance: I mean, banana bread.
Me: Yes.
Lance: Yay!
Me: You’re going to make all your friends jealous.
Lance: Yes, yes I will. [walking away. evil laughing starts]
I love that kid.
You guys already know how delicious the cinnamon raisin bread looks. I do not need to drive that home again. Check out this though…
This is what the inside of the Banana Nut Chocolate Chip Bread looks like. Yummy!
I will be honest that there are still two loaves wrapped on the counter, untouched, unsliced. I could have very well marched my over tired body over to the counter and sliced him some cinnamon raisin bread. My problem was that there was this half eaten loaf of banana bread left in the container. Cinnamon raisin bread – gone. Banana bread – neglected. The banana bread was begged for and made last week. It used to be their favorite. It is the conspiracy bread around here. At least two of the children have admitted to it. Conspiracy or not, there it sat. So I was going to make sure the last of those three loaves of love and labor were consumed by ravenous tummies.
Confession time. I do not care for banana nut bread. It does not improve the odds if there is copious amounts of chocolate chips in it. Here I am once again making for my family a food they love that I do not even eat. Somehow I make the “best ever” and I do not even eat it. I do have to admit that I have sampled it and it is pretty good, but it is still banana nut bread.
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