Discounts are good, free is better

Everyone knows that I am on the lookout for great deals almost always. I put things off just because I am waiting for a good price and whatnot. Go figure. Well it is Tuesday and I really should get to the grocery store, but I am not entirely sure how I am going to manage that today. Too many things to do and not enough time to do them all in.

Lance and I ran out and did some errands earlier this afternoon. I had to grab a couple of things.

I needed to get a couple of shipping boxes at The Container Store so I could ship a few items. Alright, I’ll confess, they are really late Christmas gifts that I still have to ship. I also have a “missionary plaque” for a family that has moved from our ward that Ben wanted me to ship to them. I still have things to finish and box, but for now we’ll just go with my mother-in-law’s gifts and the plaque.

I wanted to grab a couple of super easy things for dinners because Wednesday is just crazy for us and I had this impression that I should get something for tonight as well. Tonight was Activity Days as well as getting Andrew to karate. It was just going to be a busy night.

I wanted to grab another 5×7 frame for my grandmother and pictures I have for her as well as another 4×6 mat for another frame I already had but didn’t like the mat so much.

I was late getting back home, but Kyle does OK by himself for a few minutes and it really would only be about 10-15 minutes that he would be alone. I was standing in line at McDonalds to get some $1 hamburgers for dinner since I just kept getting this feeling that I needed to take some stress off tonight. Besides it was past lunchtime and Lance was trying to convince me that he was starving to death.

After getting home, I then helped Kyle with his homework – spelling. He did just fine. Then we were out the door to pick up Andrew from his private cello lesson at the junior high school.

Since Andrew did not have any homework, we stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Since I try to keep the cereal coupons with me at all times and my coupon sorter was in the car, I figured I might as well grab the few items on the way home instead of trying to figure out how to get back out later in the evening.

Kyle is without shoes on because evidently he assumed that we would not be getting out of the car on this expedition to go retrieve his brother from the school. *sigh*

Anyway, we’re walking into the store and there is a sign that reads, “H1N1 shots $10.” Score! I need to get Lance and Kyle their second doses.

We immediately wander over to the pharmacy to find out what the limitations are on the deal. Well the biggest limitation is that I would have to get Lance’s somewhere else as they will only give vaccinations to children 8 and up. No big deal. I needed to take Lance to the doctor’s office to get other vaccinations anyway, I’d just do them all at the same time. They even have the mist version of the vaccine, so I get all the paperwork filled out so that I can get Kyle his second dose of H1N1 at only $10.

That took much much longer than it should have. I finally sent Andrew across the store to find the Kellogg’s cereals that were on sale with the deal. I told him he’d have to read the signs because I wasn’t sure what all was on sale and what wasn’t. I explained that he knew what they all liked and he should pick accordingly so long as he came back with 4 boxes of cereal. I told him that when he got the cereal he needed to go get 2 gallons of milk. He kind of looked at me like I had fallen off my rocker. Why? Because I had lots of milk at home already, 4 gallons in the extra fridge – still. I had to explain to him that if we bought 4 boxes of Kellogg’s cereal, I got the 2 gallons of milk for free. He wandered off while I wanted with Lance and Kyle to get Kyle’s H1N1 vaccine.

When he came back I asked him what else was on sale as he came back with 4 boxes of Frosted Flakes. *laugh* He gave me a list and I told him to go grab 2 boxes each of 2 different cereals and then 2 more gallons of milk. Lance then chimed in that he needed Lucky Charms. I can’t explain to him that his favorite cereal is not on the big sale that I was milking. I did, however, have coupons for General Mills cereals so I obliged and got him cereal as well.

I walked out of Kroger this evening with 12 boxes of name brand cereals (not the smallest boxes either), 4 gallons of milk, 2 jars of peanut butter, and 1 bottle of multivitamins for me and only spent $45.37. You often don’t realize how much of an impact 4 gallons of milk can make on the grand total when you buy so much of it every single week, but almost $10 does make a difference especially when you have coupons for the cereals.

The good news is that while the time was late, and we were not walking out of the grocery store until 5:00PM, I had six $1 hamburgers in the fridge at home for dinner. I am so glad that I needed to buy them earlier. It made life so much easier as I was then rushing like a maniac to get things put together and in the car for my own responsibilities tonight at the church.

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