Great lessons

I can’t always say, “that was a great lesson” on Sunday. Sad, but true. I just don’t always get all that much out of it. At least not to the level where I would say, “wow that was a great lesson.” This week was an exception.

The Sunday School lesson was awesome. We were talking about the Abrahamic Covenant. I guess that it helps that I’ve read a lot about Abraham in the scriptures the past couple of weeks. The teacher was just really engaging. The class finished, leaving me with a feeling that I actually learned something.

Then the lesson in Relief Society was fantastic. We were learning about agency and its importance. When you start thinking about how agency has been there from the very beginning it really is an eye opener. We are free to choose, however, that doesn’t mean that having the right to the choice makes us free. The choices we make could take away more freedom. So we’re free to choose, but we don’t get to choose the consequences for those choices.

It was a great, uplifting day. I really needed that after taking a friend to the airport this morning, and saying “Good-bye.” Yes, the person that has a hard time saying good-bye was the one that took her and her four kids to the airport. I knew that I needed to get out there before the tear-works started though. Fortunately, with all the airport safety regulations making an escape is not too hard. I didn’t help that I felt like a friend was being ripped away. I guess it is still too fresh on the wounds from Margaret’s death. It really feels like I am losing another friend all over again.

Still Tami is my friend and I am very sad that she won’t be here to hang out with anymore. I do, however, wish her well in her next adventure in life. She deserves the fresh start and I hope that the next few weeks will start to bring her the joy that she had lost here. I miss you terribly, Tami, but keep looking forward.

To make matters even better, my friend Nicole had called me a couple of weeks ago. She asked on behalf of the Relief Society Presidency (she’s RS Secretary) if I could do a little graphic design work for them. She gave me a general idea of what they were envisioning and left it up to me from there. It wasn’t anything major. Just something to give out as a reminder. I can’t post anything about it more than that until they actually hand them out, but when she walked up to me before church today and said, “You totally rock” it made me feel good. At first I didn’t know what she was talking about. When I realized she was talking about this, it brought a smile to my face. So I’ll admit that I tried to play all innocent and everything, but the truth be told it made me feel good. Thanks, Nicole!

I also realized just how excited the girls are for Activity Days. What a great program for the girls! Their energy and excitement make it all the easier to come up with activities that are engaging. To just do it. I threw together a handout announcing our next few meetings and handed them out today. The girls were so excited. I was so energized and ready to go after seeing their excitement. It helped that we got a room to do our activities in at the church that is amply large for us to do a variety of things. We will be able to spread out and do some fun activities. This week we will be planning activities and setting goals for the year. I can’t wait to see what the girls want to do this year.

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