Almost finished quilt!

Tomorrow is the big Charity Quilting Bee and I’ve almost got my donation completed. I had planned on getting it done completely by tonight, but that did not happen. Tonight I got the binding sewn on. All that is left to do is finish tying it. Tomorrow will just have to be a day with me finishing the tying instead of helping the other sisters in the ward tie the quilts completed by others in the ward to donate.

In all fairness, I got a little distracted this week.

Thursday morning I had another meeting with JJ. I went down to help him set up his email in Thunderbird (email client program). I had previously walked him through setting it over the phone but while he could receive email, he could not send it out. I knew part of the problem would be something I would have to do from his computer, so we set the appointment for this morning to get this taken care of. I am happy to announce that after about 2.5 hours on the phone with ATT customer service, we finally got it all figured out. Yes, it was an ATT problem. Partly. The other part of the issue was putting in and saving a password incorrectly. These things happen. It all worked out. Problem solved!

Last night and today I spent time helping Tami pack. Having been in a situation with a fast packing job, I knew it could be overwhelming. I went to check on Tami on Thursday after finishing with JJ. I had newspapers in the back of my car and I wanted to drop them off for her. One look at her and her house and what she had to do, I knew she wasn’t going to get it done by herself. She looked exhausted. She looked emotional and overwhelmed. I knew that she needed help. I told her I’d drop the boys off at karate and then I’d be back to help her. We worked until we ran out of boxes and I needed to go pick up Andrew and Kyle from karate. We were waiting on a brother from the ward to bring more boxes, but there was no estimate of when that would be. I told her to call me and I’d come over (even late) to help. We did make a lot of headway in 2 hours, but there was still lots to do.

She did finally get boxes that night, but she was exhausted. I told her I’d come over after I dropped off Andrew at school. He needed to be there early for Orchestra. I told her I’d be by around 7:45am and we’d work until we got it done. I left about noon when she left to go pick up her father and brother from the airport. Most everything was packed at this point. We made great progress. Still little piddly things to pack and cleaning to do. The guys from church would be coming around 6pm tonight to help load the truck. The women would come in about 6:45pm to help clean the house. I had no plans on going back over to help clean. I spent 2 days packing boxes, I was not feeling the need to clean too.

Ben had gone over to help load the truck. I was making the boys macaroni and cheese for dinner. I was about to put the stuff in the cooked pasta when the phone rang. It was Ben calling to ask me to bring towels over. Lots of water all over the floor after unhooking the fridge. Evidently the faucet for the ice maker connection would not turn off. They needed towels to mop up all the water. I left Andrew in charge of Lance and Kyle. I told him how to finish putting the stuff together and told them to eat.

I got sucked into helping. Mine was not so much of a cleaning mission as it was a mercy mission. When I saw Tami, she was on the verge of tears. A hug later and the tears started flowing. Tami had lost her rings in all the chaos. I knew my job then would be to help find them. Tami was insistent that it was just silly to be so emotional, but I assured her it was not. Moving is hard enough. You throw a fresh divorce in the mix and it would be enough to drive anyone over the edge. We were not finding them. There was a trash bag still in the room where they were seen last. I went to grab it so that we could go through it. No, I am not above digging in the trash. I grabbed the back and something cut through it and cut open my hand. So I sustained the injury of the move. Someone always has to get hurt, right? Well there was a broken glass in the bag. I was bleeding and bleeding.

Fortunately, the rings were not in the trash, but I couldn’t say that I sustained the injury from something like “digging in the trash.” We did find the rings. We had to sit down and trace the steps of her and the kids. Once we got details out of one child that another child helped out with a certain area and we went through what was there that the child was helping with, we did finally find the rings! All was good after that. Her house was loaded on the truck. The cleaning went on even if it was with ice cold water from the neighbor’s outdoor faucet as they had to cut the water off in the house to stop the flow in the kitchen. The dehumidifier was retrieved from my house to help suck the moisture out of the carpet. They were off to a hotel.

Then I came home and finished the quilt by putting the binding on it.

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