Here we are facing another new year and what a great year it has the potential to be. I think each year has the potential to be a better year than the year before, but it largely depends on perspective and how positive we stay. After the past couple of months, a new year is a welcome thing.
So to everyone, may you have a happier new year.
I wandered out today to get a few things to finish up some of the Christmas gifts I hadn’t finished yet. I didn’t think much of it really. I had a coupon for Micheal’s for 25% off my total regular price purchase. The things I needed were not on sale. I knew this because I had printed my coupon and wandered down there the day before only find out that my coupon wasn’t good until today. “Great, I’ll just come back tomorrow.”
Earlier in the week, Ben got the call to meet at the church with one of the High Council members. As seeing we’re facing a few reorganizational changes this came as no surprise. Ben as usual was worried about it. Sometimes he worries too much. He just gets all worked up over things. I wasn’t worried. I knew it was likely a new “calling” (assignment) at church or simply a “thank you” for the service he had been providing as the Ward Executive Secretary. Either way, the changes were inevitable and I have come to accept the changes as manifestation of the true impact of the growth of the church in this area. I grew up in this area and to compare the changes from then until now, it is just astounding. In good ways! All will be revealed in due time. Sunday is the big day.
Since his meeting was at 5:30pm he made sure that I factored in the holiday closing times. I just assumed that since they were having a HUGE sale that they were maintaining regular hours. I did double check the hours and I am grateful that my husband is more astute to these things than I am sometimes. Go figure that a big sale does not mean that they’ll actually be open normal hours for you to take advantage of the great sale. Alright, I’ll confess, I am not sure what the big sale was because there wasn’t that much that really enticed me to go in and buy. I was going in because I had a coupon and I needed something whether it was on sale or not. The coupon essentially became my coupon.
Anyway, upon checking the times I decided that we were doing a quick trip to get the stuff I needed. Why? Because it was 3:45pm, Ben needed to be somewhere at 5:30pm and the store was closing at 6pm. Yikes! So out I went. Fortunately, I had screwed up the day before and already knew what I was going after. Yay for that! That of course did not mean that the lines would be even reasonably short. I had to get all the way there, get what I needed, and get all the way back in less than 1.5 hours.
The good news is that I did get what I needed and I did make it back in time for Ben to get where he needed to be.
Now let me state that even in the new year it appears that we will continue to face the rich looking, pompous idiots on the road. Let me just say that if someone turns on their signal and there is plenty of room for them to pull over in front of you to get onto the freeway, don’t be a jerk. DO NOT SPEED UP when you seen the blinker. It isn’t nice. It isn’t cool. And it is how you crunch your over priced fancy car. I am not saying that you have to slow down. I did NOT say that. Remember that I said there was plenty of room to get over in? Just don’t speed up. Be courteous, especially if you’re going to NOT get on the freeway. Stupid drivers really irritate me sometimes. Seriously. A turn signal to indicate intent to change lanes in NO WAY indicates that you should apply more pressure to the gas pedal. This is driver’s ed 101 here!
Oh and it wouldn’t be a good way to ring in a new year without some sort of illness going around the house, right? I thought I was getting off easy. Kyle had the stomach bug the week before Christmas. Two days he was done. Christmas comes and goes. Lance got the bug. Two days and he was done. I was not feeling super hot but with all the holiday festivities my stomach was probably letting me that it was not happy with my dietary choices the past few days. My stomach was killing me. That was it though. Then Andrew got the stomach bug. Two days he was mostly done. Well today, while Ben was out at his meeting, my stomach decided that I really didn’t need what was in it anymore and out it came. Hello stomach bug! Not so fun. For what it is worth, I do not recommend throwing up peanut butter or raisins, but don’t ask me how I know that. Ick!
Anyway, Happy New Year!
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