It rained! It rained! The errands didn’t wait.

Today we got a wonderful rainfall. It rained a good chunk of the day to some degree or another. I willingly went out and ran the errands I needed to run in the rain. No complaints here. Today is watering day for me and I won’t have to water tonight because of this steady rainfall!

As for the errands, I have run…

I had my niece, Brianna, with me for all the good portion of them. I ran back to the optometrist’s office to get Brianna’s glasses so that they could get them fitted and adjusted. They called yesterday and said that they were ready. Then we stopped at the Apple store so that I could do a follow-up on a job interview I had there. Then we stopped at Music Go Round to put a flute on hold for my parents. Mom was going to get it for Victoria so that it was done and there was no financial worry on my sister’s part (or Victoria’s part). Then we were off to Lowe’s. I was on a search for shelf pegs for my kitchen cabinets. I wasn’t liking the price on them there, however. Or the selection for that matter. Down the street to Home Depot. I found some. I called Ben to find out what size the holes were so I made sure I got the right size. I got what he said. Then home.

The pegs don’t fit! This of course, is after I have started to empty and dismantle one of the kitchen cabinets. At least it was the cabinet that truly had the broken support bracket so it was going to need the work regardless. Back to Home Depot to exchange the unopened packages of pegs. Back home.

Then we ended up off to the Music Rack to get Andrew’s orchestra/cello books for this coming school year. I ended up looking online and not finding both at the same location. I did find the one at The Music Rack on their website. So I drove over in the rain (heavy heavy rain) to get it as it was considerably lower in cost than what they were going to charge at the school–$4.95 compared to $6. I got over there and they did not have any left in stock. They ordered it and the other one I was going to order via Amazon. Total was just over $10 with the tax included. Then back past the house to the Fishburn Violin Shop to verify that the book that we ordered was the correct book. It was.

Then back home to the cabinet. Got Brianna and Victoria to help me sort out cans by date and get everything back into the cabinet. We probably cleaned out 10 cans that were past their expiration dates and past my comfort zone. There was some realization that I was running low on a couple of things and needed not buy any more or other items (at least for a while).

I went to go start the next cabinet…because this was not the only bracket that has broken in the past couple of months…time, however, was not enough to get it finished so I had the girls quickly make everything fit into that cabinet regardless of organization. We’re talking 20+ jars of peanut butter that need to fit in an already mostly full cabinet. *laugh* Don’t forget the 4 large jars of grape jelly.

I was then out the door with Mindy and Phil to go help them make an educated and informed decision on a digital video camera. I do like shopping when I am spending someone else’s money. *giggle* Actually, after an hour of comparing and explaining and getting frustrated in Best Buy, what they picked out was not what I would have picked. This is OK since this was not a camcorder for me. To each their own. It isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a bad camcorder, I am just not sure it is the best option. Anyway, I told them we would not buy tonight. That they would sleep on it and comparison shop. We skipped over to Wal-mart to see their selection, but was underwhelmed there.

Then home…long day…

The rain was nice. I hope it comes again soon…

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