Today we took up two pews at church. Even with one child missing (at Scout Camp) we were too many to fit on our usual pew. Ben sat on the usual pew with Kyle, Victoria, and Brianna. I sat on the pew in front of them with Lance and Darin. For the most part, they were excellent. The older kids need to learn how to entertain themselves quietly with a drawing tablet or something and NOT get their fingers all dirty, but all in all we had plenty to keep them occupied and quiet.
Brianna went with Kyle to his primary class. Lance ran down the hall to his class. While this doesn’t happen often, it does occasionally happen. Darin willingly walked down the hall with the Primary President who showed him where he was going to be. Victoria and I couldn’t find where she was supposed to be but in all fairness I don’t go looking for the 11-12 year old girls’ class. Fortunately, the Primary President helped us find that and we were good to go.
They all did just fine in class. At least, I didn’t get any reports that they were horrible, vile, and nasty specimens. I’ll say that no bad reports is a good sign. I’ll take what I can get.
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