Same old song. This afternoon the ozone levels will probably affect my sinuses even more. I got up this morning started my day with 2 Advil and a Diet Coke. Don’t worry, I did eat something shortly thereafter when I took the rest of my allergy and other required medicines. Unfortunately, when I have these repeated sinus headaches, I get really munchy because I just feel bad. Yesterday was no exception. At last chocolate helps me cope better even if it doesn’t make me feel better. I will be glad when Spring is gone. I know I’ll miss it once it is gone due to the increasing temperatures, but right now I just want to NOT have a sinus headache.
I finished another square for the knitted sampler afghan I am working on. I of course, walked off this morning without grabbing my crochet hook. I have had the bag of knitting stuff for this project in my car for so long I neglected the fact that I had cleaned out the car and taken that inside. My crochet hook was still in the bag in the house, I just had the knitting portion I was working on in my car. Oh well, the crochet is the fast part of the exercise. I need to pick another block pattern and get started on another block. There are supposed to be 20 blocks. I just finished number 6 or 7 if I remember correctly. Since my goal is have it done by Thanksgiving, there is still ample time to get it finished.
Today, I need to call the YMCA and find out about swimming lessons for the summer. I emailed Fins last week and their quote (rough) was a bit more than I want to pay even if it is for 6 kids. We’re no longer YMCA members so I know they bill be a bit higher, but I am pretty sure they will not be as high as Fins.
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