One of my favorite Photoshop things…

When I am busy creating previews for my digital scrapbooking kits, I don’t always have things just the way they will be when the kit goes public. Meaning, I make the items and build the previews after I have a few items done. I then create the preview and I can see if things work as they are or if they need tweaking. Sometimes they need just a tad of tweaking whether it be the lighting angle a tad or the color is a tad off or anything else for that matter. I found a while back (but not too long ago) a neat little thing in the Photoshop CS2 options. If you right click on a layer in the layer palette, you get an option for “replace contents.” It is awesome for quickly and easily replacing those items that weren’t quite right with the “new and improved” items in the previews. The best part is that you don’t have to resize or adjust the properties or styles on that layer. By simply replacing the contents everything stays the same except the contents of the layer. It makes for quick work when needing to make minor changes to things.

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