…this morning…

It is Monday and we all know that we drag trying to get into the groove of the week, or rather getting out of the grove of the weekend. You take your pick. Only you know which one it is.

So it is Monday morning and so far (9:21am), I have:

• Listened to cello music (Andrew). It is sounding better and better and it is a nice sound to wake up to.

• Sent 2 boys out the door to school (Andrew and Kyle)

• Signed 1 cello practice sheet (Andrew)

• Signed 1 junior high class schedule picks for next year (Andrew)

• Emailed the cello teacher that I did remember that Andrew’s private lesson was tonight and not tomorrow night.

• Blogged about the sweater I am knitting (kept me up late last night)

• Tried calling my brother only to realize that his cell phone number met its’ fate with my phone’s swim in the washing machine. I am not entirely sure which other numbers were not saved to the “sim card” but that one was clearly not saved to the card. Called the house instead. I needed a reminder of whether or not I needed to drive him to school this morning (or not). I rather not. I then made him call me from his cell phone so that I’d have his cell phone number. I don’t have to take him, by the way. Woohoo!

• Listened to whine courtesy of Lance

• Kind of watched the local morning news (see above and the whine, so I didn’t really hear much of it)…I do know that it is cold outside 34˚F.

• Started the washing machine

• Loaded the dishwasher – almost all of the dishes are done. I only have 2 hand wash pans to do and I’ll wait until it warms up a bit as my fingers HURT under remotely warm water. Then we’ll have this morning breakfast dishes from Lance and I.

• Checked email from overnight (I can’t let it go too long)

• Stuck frozen waffles into the toaster oven for Lance, then cut that up, put syrup on them, sliced a banana, and poured some apple juice – breakfast

• Stuck some oatmeal in the microwave to cook for me – high fiber breakfast (I’m hoping it will warm me up).

• Looked at The Grocery Game and will start working on my grocery list for the week.

There is still plenty to do today. I’ve got to get through about 4 loads of laundry. I need to sweep the kitchen, dining room, and entryway floors. I need to clean the floors in the half bath. And I need to vacuum the living room and my office. I need to work on my web design portfolio. I need to make a grocery list so I can go shopping.

Today I also want to finish that baby sweater, make a menu to post on the fridge so we all know what we’re eating this week, work on some digital scrapbook kit design stuff, and organize some more in my office.

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