So I started the morning with taking advantage of Ben being gone for the morning. I knew he’d only be gone for a couple our hours (working), but that was plenty of time…well, OK, it wasn’t plenty of time but it was definitely a start. I took the large 20 gallon Rubbermaid totes and went through them. They were mostly yarn and crochet thread so I spent the morning inventorying it by entering it into my account at Ravelry. I just got carried away and kept entering stuff. Lots of stuff between the yarn, thread, needles, hooks, and books.
I emptied one of them, the other is over flowing. I then dropped all the old worn out jeans and slacks into the empty one. I’ll go get a couple of smaller totes (ones that will fit on the shelf in the closet) for the crochet thread and that will help with the overflowing problem of the one.
I found a LOT of projects started that need to be finished. Many were crochet projects. We’ll see if I can still find the pattern for those. Some of them were all in my head so we’ll see if I can figure out what I was doing. I am not sure I have enough crochet thread to finish some of them as I’ve obviously confiscated some of the balls of thread for other things. *laugh*
I even got carried away enough to “frog” 2 rows of a crochet afghan I had started. I really did not enjoy crocheting with this Red Heart Yarn so I gave up long ago. I started that when I was pregnant with Andrew…he just turned 12. I now have 2 “balls” of that yarn to add back to the two 1# skeins I had…this yarn was originally a part of the 2 skeins. That was fun frogging it. It took forever! That will at least get me closer to finishing the afghan without having to figure out how to match the yarn (or coordinate with it).
I then went into the office/computer room/craft room/piano room…the kids had managed to trash the room yet again. They have an uncertain knack for this. We’ll call it a real talent. You could barely get to the piano without hurting yourself (just inside the door on the side wall) let alone to either of the 2 computers in the room. Forget trying to do any kind of craft in there! I wanted to sit in there and work on the computer for a few minutes. I needed some of the “final products” of things I had created for my “portfolio” that were on that computer. I immediately became extremely irate and started the “cleaning.” I had already planned on reorganizing that room to make better use of the room, but I hadn’t gotten to it. I wasn’t sure how much it would cost to do the things I “envisioned” and didn’t want to bite off more than I knew we could handle…so that if I got started we could finish. I really needed to figure out just what I wanted to do and make a game plan. Of course, in anger, this all went out the window. I do not understand why a room that is not for “playing” in suddenly becomes worse than a dumpster. The only thing in there that they are allowed to “play” on is the one computer and the piano. I am still scratching my head on this. I am still angry. This was awful. So there was no time like the present to get it all done. *sigh* So I started moving things around. I should have taken a before and after picture, but alas I didn’t. I was too mad at the time. I moved both computer desks around. I still have to finish the other half of the room, but I made considerable progress in 3 hours. Still lots to do in that half of the room that is undone, but I am exhausted tonight. I’ll finish up tomorrow.
But it was here in this room where I found the long looked for knitting needles, the infamous, missing size 10 knitting needles. I found them! Go me! I had stashed my knitting machine
in the corner between the boys’ computer desk and the wall. The box was falling open, so naturally, I had to fix that. I opened the box and found a bag of yarn…not a big bag, mind you as the box isn’t that big. I found the 6 skeins of Patons Grace mercerized cotton yarn I had bought back in August of 2005 (receipt was still in the bag) when I found it on clearance at Michael’s. Wow! What the find! There was a ball of this light blue yarn. I remembered this being the yarn that came with the knitting machine
, but there was a ball and a wad…a wad of yarn that was tangled. I had to fix that too. *laugh* Yes, I think I have gotten obsessed. I then sat and untangled that (took a while) and then wound it into a ball. As I was trying to get everything to fit back into the box, I saw this shiny thing at the back of the box. I checked to see what it was and giggle it around so things would fit. What did I see? I found my size 10 knitting needles
. Yay!!!
So I am flat out tired. I need to go in there and finish that room, but I figure I’d be better off doing it tomorrow when I am not so tired. I still need to hook both computers back up.
Last night I ran to Half Price Books to look for a book for Ben. I did not find the book he wanted. I did, however, find 2 web design books for myself. Yay! I can’t wait to start reading them. It won’t take me long. I eat these kinds of books up! Just plow right through them very quickly.
Since Half Price Books is right next to Hobby Lobby, I ran into Hobby Lobby to get a “cable needle” so I could knit up some of the squares in the sampler afghan that had cables in them. I know I had a cable needled at one point, but I can’t for the life of me find it. Since I went through the tubs of yarn and stuff and I didn’t find them, I figure they are gone. I just needed 1 cable needle. Naturally, Hobby Lobby only had “sets” of cable needles. I ended up buying a 3 piece cable needle setand another set of rubber stoppers for the end of the needles (to keep the stuff on the needles when not in use.
So tonight it will be a hard decision on what to work on – the baby sweater I had been itching to find the needles for or another square for the sampler afghan with the new cable needles. Both are calling my name!
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