So this morning Andrew reminds me that he has to be to school early, around 8am. No big deal. I am sitting in the recliner, where I have moved to from the bed to start the morning routine and get people moving to where they need to be and when. He naturally reminds me at 7:45am that he needs to be at school early. Now I only crawled out of bed about 7:15am. I crawled into bed about 3:30am. Thanks to my nap yesterday afternoon, I simply could not sleep. I think he reminded me because I was curled up under a blanket, reclining comfortably in my PJ’s, kind of listening to the news with my eyes clearly closed. Clearly I needed that reminder.
So why did Andrew need to be at school early this morning? Well, for a club I have never heard of before. Now, I understand that you can have a club for just about anything, but really…the Rubik’s Cube Club…what?!?! Since Andrew still has this need to solve any unsolved Rubik’s Cube, it seems like a natural fit. I don’t have any problems with it at all. It just leaves the question, what does one do in the Rubik’s Cube Club? *scratching head*
I’ve been a knitting machine today. I thought I’d knit for a few minutes like usual. Maybe a good 30 minutes or so. Nope, 2 hours later I finished the square for the sampler afghan I am not working on (project #4, a long unfinished project). I then went about my day and did various other things, including, but not limited to nursing a nasty sinus headache and general all over crappy feeling. I then started the 2nd square for this afghan. It is coming along nicely as well. Only 7 more inches to go! I am not sure this square will be the same size as the other one, though. *sigh* I guess this is going to be a creative “putting together” attempt when all the squares are done. Oh well, I’ll make it work. Improvisation is often a good skill to have.
I am LOVING my Wacom Bamboo Fun. I have been doing extractions the last few days and I can say that I am IN LOVE! Now, it doesn’t make all extractions super easy, but it does vastly improve many and the rate at which they can be done. I am so glad that Ben got me one for Christmas and that I decided that I really wanted one after the Graphire 3 experience.
Andrew came home from school with a 100˚F temperature today. *frown* It appears that the buggies have officially entered our home. I hope they are short lived. Now, I’ve got the general all over yucky feeling. Lance is stuffy. Kyle is stuffy. Andrew has a sore throat, cough, and now a fever. I checked Kyle and Lance’s temperatures as well and they were fine. I am fine too. It is just a bummer, we had managed to let the recent rounds of illness skip us over. No more.
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