Today was one of those days. I am not entirely sure what I did get accomplished today. I know that I didn’t finish anything in particular and started a couple of things. There are days like today that just happen. We just learn to deal with them and hope that the next day is better.
The Christmas tree is still standing in the living room…naked…with its star still perched atop its pointed head. The tubs are filled and ready to go out, they just await that insertion of that lonely star…we wait…
Tomorrow, I really want to finish my web design portfolio. At least get a good start on it so that I have something to show for it. I’ve got ideas and whatnot, but nothing more than that. That bites. GET IT DONE would be nice.
I’ve knitted some more today. I’ve probably got about 20″ of doll scarf knitted. I’m thinking I am probably about done. I picked up a skein of pink and white yarn to start the next doll poncho with. I need to go find another set of double pointed needles if I am going to do that again. I had to improvise last time. I think the pink yarn is a bit finer, we’ll see. Once I get a little bit knitted up, we’ll see if it is going to match the left over pink, magenta, and purple fuzzy yarn I have.
I am thinking about making a bag. A useful bag. A camera bag, maybe a matching laptop bag. Notice I said I was thinking about it? That is as far as it has gotten to this point in my life. It has been a recent thought. I am thinking camera bag first. This wouldn’t be the first time I’ve made a bag. I’ve made to large duffel type bags for the boys’ karate gear and I’ve made tote bags in the past. I think it would be interesting to try.
Lance keeps asking when we’ll let him go to karate with his brothers. He’s a big boy after all. He keeps insisting. Today he came in while I was brushing my hair and asks, “why did Darin leave his karate uniform here?” It was quite cute for the amount of inquisitiveness in it. It isn’t Darin’s (his cousin), it is his (kind of). I’ve kept the boys’ karate uniforms over the years. So I have one that is Lance’s size and a couple the next sizes up. When they are little and grow so quickly, hanging onto those things for younger children is a good idea. They get expensive when you have to buy several back to back. The truth is, I don’t know when we’re going to start Lance in karate. I hadn’t originally planned on him starting up until his birthday. I just hadn’t planned on it before then. However, with his interest, that gets one thinking that sooner might be better.
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